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"COMPASS is like a sacred book of secrets for me when I want to find a good restaurant or good places to go for fun. It's also a good way for our room guests to know about the city. We even use it for our Taipei sales calls. It's very convenient and everybody likes it, whether they're Taiwanese or foreigners." -Vivian Tseng, Public Affairs Manager, The Splendor Taichung Hotel (COMPASS advertiser since 1999)

Internationally, free city guides are a regular feature in people's lives - serving both residents and visitors with a wealth of information on where and how they can take advantage of what the city has to offer. The Compass Group magazines; Taiwan Fun, Compass and FYI South, are the only publications in Taiwan that follow the international model.

In many respects, the free city guide has a very different business model and readership pattern than magazines sold at the newstands. Magazines sold at newstands have a return (IE, unsold) rate of between 60% and 80% in the US (no studies available in Taiwan). Free city guides distributed in pubs, restaurants and hotels have NO return rate - over 99% of the magazines published get into readers hands.

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