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Ethan Karan Disco Pub Lounge

161, DaGuan (TaKuan) Rd.
(04) 2255-2260


Bumping, serving and grooving the night away at EK

By Lance Cyr

      So, you’ve had a few beers (a.k.a. “dance fuel”) at a friend’s house, or maybe it was some fancy cocktails at a nice bar/restaurant when, out of nowhere, you are overcome by the strangest feeling--you must DANCE! The big question then is: Where to go? The usual places offer the usual elements that haven’t changed much from the last time. Then, you realize that there is something new, in the form of Ethan Karan Disco Pub Lounge, known simply as EK.

     When you arrive at EK, you immediately know that this place is different. The obvious difference is a giant sand pit for beach volleyball, complete with an outdoor bar. Sure, drunken volleyball is really fun, but you know what you really want to do. You want to DANCE!!

      Entering EK, you are enveloped by the bass from a sound system that is loud enough to definitely cause some permanent hearing and organ damage. You casually look around the club, checking out the scene and giving out “the vibe”. You find yourself walking over broken beer bottles protected by the one-inch-thick plexi-glass floor. You see several horseshoe-shaped booths and lots of tables “This is good,” you think. “I’ll probably need a place to rest in about an hour.” So you hit the dance floor. While doing some silly twirling dance move you think you saw in a music video, you scope out what EK has to offer.

      After dancing for a few hours, you hear the sand pit calling your name and decide that the closet athlete in you wants out to play some volleyball. The sand pit is clean with NO bottles allowed in the pit, so there aren’t any worries about your bare feet getting cut. You serve, volley, bump and rotate for a few hours and realize that there is an annoying light shining in your eyes…the sun is coming up. Not wanting to see another Taichung sunrise, you head back in and dance some more.

     Finally, you’re tired, broke and partied out, so you head home. On the cab ride home you think, “Yeah, I’ll come back tonight.”


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