By 'Paddyboy' Patrick Coulter
Translated by Sharon Yang
548, Hua Mei St.
Tel: 04-2319-3774
Hours: 5:30pm-2am
I was sitting at The Riverside inhaling a fish and chip platter
while people continued talking about some Seattle band that
played at the Space Needle party the night before. The bar
was filling up and another big night seemed in the cards.
Tonight was one of those can't-miss nights at The Riverside.
It was their one-year anniversary. After Jada (the owner)
informed me of this momentous occasion, my mind started to
flash-back like a sitcom tribute. I thought of all the good
times over the past year and the memories all got muddled
together in my head. To alleviate the situation, I ordered
a whiskey from Mikey Mike, M.D. The headache ended abruptly
but the evening had just begun. Following my unsuccessful
bid to get the bartenders to roll back the prices to one year
ago, I was in the mood to mingle. There was a football fanatic
from Liverpool in an absolute uproar over the World Cup draw
that had occured the previous week in South Korea. England
had been drawn into the so-called Group of Death and he was
looking for a sympathetic ear. I decided to pull out an old
cliche and say, "You have to beat every team to win." He gave
me a look of disgust and stormed off to pitch his plight elsewhere.
I quickly turned my attention to eavesdropping on two lovely
ladies who were talking about a report that claimed that merely
visualizing physical exercise is enough to stimulate muscle
growth. This was just the news I needed to get stuck in for
the night. The Riverside's alluring decor was designed by
a South African handyman that--Jada is quick to point out--has
an eye for bars. The staff are friendly and the price is right.
On the Paddyboy bar rating scale, The Riverside gets six Taiwan
Beers out of a possible six. If you need a second opinion,
just ask a regular at the bar named Scott Wood. He'll fill
you in on the rest. Have a cold one.